In a bid to combat what happened with Facebook inventor Mark Zuckerberg’s facebook page, the guys at Facebook have been hard at work to bring us full https support while browsing their website.
Now whenever you are on their website, they are assuring you of security. Full https support essentially means that even when you access the social site from anywhere even on an unsecured and insecure website such as the free WiFi most people normally go on from their computers and mobile devices, no one can access your data.
Not even Firesheep, the software made specifically to steal users’ emails and passwords while connecting to the internet over unsecured wireless networks.
And to top it all off, now the website offers a chance for it to send you an email every time you log in and access your data. They have provided a check box where you can choose to accept notifications for every time you log on. Click here to see it
Other than that, you will have to identify your friends via photos on the website to verify that you are indeed who you say you are.
“We will continue to test social authentication and gather feedback from you and the security community on how to make this and other social features safe and useful.” Continues the Blog post from the multi million-dollar website.