“There’s some paranoia. There’s a lot of hate being spewed,” said Gregg Housh, a leader of Anonymous in its less criminal days and a regular correspondent of Sabu’s.
Hackers fascinate me. They do so to so many people too. Well obviously not this one. This guy’s name is Hector Xavier Monsegur and he is a 28 year old self taught hacker.
He was, until recently, one of the best hack minds that the world has seen in recent times. He was so good that he was the leader in the hack group called Anonymous, that hackers group that put down several websites worldwide by exploiting security loopholes in their web servers and web pages as well. Some of their most recent victims were the Sony website where they took advantage of its huge database of contacts. Some websites affiliated to the Federal Bureau of Investigation in the US also suffered. Lulzsec, the group Hector was ringleader of, even took requests from the public on what websites to deface; kind of how a Radio Jockey would take requests on songs to play on the radio. LOL.
Even as Hector urged thousands of Twitter followers to rise up and attack government and law enforcement through online defacing, this most wanted hacker was working for the FBI. He was arrested in June 2011 on credit card fraud charges through Facebook after the billion dollar company in which Zuckerberg is a major shareholder was forced to turn over messages he had sent via the online social network. So now you see, Facebook can indeed get you in a lot of trouble.
They turned over the messages and after he saw he’d been cornered, he agreed to cooperate and secretly pleaded guilty in a secret trial in exchange for leniency from the FBI. Many hackers were stunned when they learned that Hector, also known online as Sabu, had been arrested, given his technological skills and role as the king pin at LulzSecurity. It has become so bad that a former Anonymous Activist, Jennifer Emick, says that anyone who trusted Hector is in deep panic right now. They are assured to be deleting their hard drives right about now.
Jake Davis who was also a public face at LulzSec was arrested in July of 2011. His code name was ‘Topiary’. His arrest was heavily aided by Sabu who has been working with the FBI.
Lulz officially disbanded last year, merging back into Anonymous and Antisec which is a small and disorganized association of hackers still trying to keep at it.
There have been numerous responses to what Sabu’s done to his fellow hackers. One of the tweets called Sabu “…a traitor, a coward and a fiend,”. “And unless he shows regret I will not feel bad if anything happens to him.”
LulzSec has been posting messages on their Facebook Fan Page hurling abuses at Sabu coz of his misgivings.